First post!

I've loved to read ever since I learned how.  

I remember going to the library and checking out a huge stack of books.  Hiding books under the table at dinner.  Reading whenever I got the chance.

As I got older I still loved to read, but I had other things get in the way.  College, wedding, working in public accounting, studying for the CPA exam (almost done with that one!) having two boys within 21 months of each other.  In other words, life.

With both boys, I started reading to them as infants.  Even though they didn't understand the story, I'm convinced that they were soothed by the flow of the words and mama's (and daddy's) voice.

Now that the boys are older, they really love to be read to and picking out their favorites as well as new books to try.  A new library has opened up in our neighborhood which has really picked up their interest.  It has a great reading room and all of the books are new!  

My hope with this blog is to share our love of reading with you and inspire you to pick up a book today!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sis and I always did the Summer Reading program at PG Library. LOVED IT. I just hauled all my Ramona Quimby books back from Mom's so I can indulge in them again :)

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